
Thank You For Purchasing Smoking Be Gone One-On-One

Thank You For Your Business

Here Are Three Steps To Take Right Now

Step 1: Check Your Emails - Set Your Password

Look for this email titled: “Login Details”

Click on the first link that has action in the url.

Create a password you can remember.

Step 2: Login By Clicking The Profile Link

Click on the Profile link. That brings you to a login page.

Login to be taken to the profile page that shows your courses.

Step 3: Click on Courses -> Owned

Now just click on your Smoking Be Gone One-On-One course and get started!

In this course is where you’ll find the URL to schedule your appointment and other resources.

If you have any problems then send an email to: support@scottbechtel.atlassian.net

(Example From Another Product I’ve Made)