Informed Consent
By participating in this program I am agreeing to the following:
1. I am participating in this program by my own choice because I want to participate in it and want to be here. I promise to follow all directions.
2. I understand that transformation is a process and it can take time and that everyone moves at their own pace.
3. I understand that my progress involves how I care for myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.
4. I acknowledge the futility of blame of both myself and others; that I am solely responsible for my actions or inaction including what I do or do not do with the information provided in this program.
5. I understand that I am not a patient, but a co-operator in my transformation experience.
6. I understand that Scott Bechtel is not a medical doctor, psychologist, mental health professional, nor a dietician. I further understand that hypnosis services are non-therapeutic and not intended tot he the place of profession counseling, medical, or psychological care and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment of any condition. I understand that if I am under the care of a doctor for any medical condition, including those mentioned above, it is my responsibility to consult with my doctor if this program is appropriate for my participation.